Who to Call

If you have issues with things like development, noise, transportation etc., contact us at hellowestboro@yahoo.ca and one of our board members will be in touch.

12 responses

27 11 2013
Martin Conway

I was wondering if there was anyone there who does financial counselling or help with ad lancing your budget?

27 11 2013

Hello Martin, As per above, the list has a slightly different focus. However, if you could send more details to hellowestboro@yahoo.ca the Board can review and discuss. Thanks, Jennifer

3 01 2014

It seems to me that our community is going through a transformation with the number of in-fills being constructed in our neighborhood. We have just completed that process, having lived next to a beautiful little home that was torn down to build a super-side-by-side made of metal and concrete. The process was painful and lasted a year and a half. We had to learn a lot in a very short period of time…what does our zoning allow, what by-laws apply, how close can the in-fill be to our property line, how much closer can the fireplace projection be to our property line, can they pump cement across our property and over the roof of our home, can they cut down our trees, what happens when they damage our fence, our driveway, what happens when they arrange to have our power shut off to move their hydro line, and what happens when they dig across the property line to expose the foundation of our garage. We had a lot to learn very quickly. I would venture to say it would be beneficial to have a section supporting neighbors who are about to go through this process. I can tell you we felt totally on our own to fend off the challenges that comes with an infill that looks nothing like the rest of the homes on our street. There is a third story roof top terrace with a panoramic view into the back yards on our street and the street behind us. It changes everything in the neighborhood.

3 01 2014
Jennifer WCA

Thank you Dean. We really appreciate your comments. This information will really help us focus as we try to create a list that will be useful to the ever changing dynamics of this neighbourhood.

17 06 2014

Dean I would like to know more about what you learned during this process as I am about to go through the same thing myself.

17 06 2014
Dean McCuaig

I am happy to share what we learned through the process. It was a 2 year adventure that isn’t quite over yet. Feel free to contact me through mcborealis@hotmail.com

4 04 2014
Lisa Naphtali


Our property is located at 639 Churchill. We are proposing a plan to demolish our current home and construct two new semi’s. The focus of our design is on environmentally friendly building. We intend to live in one of the new homes and sell the other. Is there a process for us to share our detailed plans with the community association and respond to comments or concerns in advance of the public committee of adjustment meeting?
Lisa Naphtali

9 09 2014

Sorry if this is the wrong spot, I was just wondering if you have a list of local environmentally friendly businesses? I would be interested in being put on that list. We use recycled tires to pave driveways, walkways, patios, stairs, garage floors, around pools, etc. Thanks.

20 06 2017
Lise Knutsen

Good morning, My name is Lise Knutsen and I am the Community Outreach Ambassador at the Value Village at 1824 Bank Street, Ottawa. We work with many nonprofits organizations to assist with their needs. Are you currently working with any non-profit organizations? We have several different ways we work with local organizations to support their programs, but I’d like to talk to you about your specific needs and see if one of our programs misght be a fit for your organization.

17 01 2018
Brad Nemes


I see that we have 24/7 advertising of our local bank now.
Alterna bank shines in my front window all night long on Tweedsmuir.

How is this allowed?

The commercial advertising in such a dense residential area makes no sense, there are no other building in our neighborhood that are this big or that have such over bearing bright lights on it. Or for that matter the rest of Ottawa.
Is this the kind of development we can look forward to in the future in Westboro?

There was no notice of this to my knowledge. And there must be standards for this in the city.

Brad Nemes

328 Tweedsmuir ave

18 09 2018
Elizabeth Doering

Hello. We are a concerned group of residents who are going to be appealing the proposal of erecting four, three story homes (3-4 units in each) on 508/510 and 512/514 Roosevelt Ave between Kenwood and Princeton. Where there are TWO families dwellings currently, there will be up to SIXTEEN families if this goes through. I would imagine it would be a duplicate of what we are seeing on Ravenhill with the 4 “three story” with four units each. Can you provide me with the names of some people to contact within this association? I plan on making this an election issue. Surely, this will be an interest to many in our neighbourhood.
Elizabeth Doering

18 09 2018
Dean McCuaig

How can people contact you if they want to provide their support

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